Great training, local providers and cost effective - these are the attributes C3’s Authorized Training Partners (ATP) provide your agency with meeting your training needs.
Our ATPs are vetted, trained, and evaluated by our instructors to guarantee participants receive the upmost learning experience and transfer of knowledge in these
areas. C3 Pathways strives to provide to you our training to plan, prepare, and respond to these types of tragic events. This is just one of the ways we strife to continually
support you and your citizens.
C3 Pathways is proud of our recognized Authorized Training Partners.
In this 4-hour introductory course, C3 Pathways Authorized Training Partners work with 50 participants to begin incident management skills through our tabletop
training platform, Counterstrike. This course is a great way to introduce topics and experience to responders of all rank and assignment.
This course, taught by one of our Authorized Training Partners, prepares school personnel and first responders alike to work together in the event
of a violent incident on a school campus. With our training platform Counterstrike, your team is able to plan, prepare, and practice
their response to the unthinkable. In just eight hours particpants are taught how to secure students, identify the threat, provide medical intervention, and reunify
students with their loved ones.